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Volunteers Lifting Construction Frame

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

Gospel Group





The sewing group makes quilts that are given to residents of nursing homes in our area. These quilts are not only beautiful but delightfully warm and are an expression of God’s love for those who may be forgotten. The quilters also provide quilts for First Lutheran graduating high schoolers and are cherished blankets to take to college. Our own members who can no longer get to worship are also gifted a quilt at Christmas time. Additionally, quilts are supplied to Lutheran World Relief for distribution around the world.

Community organizations are welcome to use our facilities.


Currently we are glad to give a home to Narcotics Anonymous on Tuesday nights. 

Through our monthly stewardship appeals we support local non-profits such as the fire company, seminary food bank, and world hunger relief.


Our weekly book group provides stimulating conversation and community. We choose a variety of books that open our hearts and minds to God’s Word and society issues.

Our choir enhances our worship experience through their choice of music. This group enjoys singing a variety of music.


Our college students and military personnel receive Sonshine boxes from the congregation periodically. These boxes contain snacks and gifts that remind those away from our community that we are still remembering them in prayer.


How We Help


Laundry Love

Laundry Love is a joint ministry with other churches in the New Oxford area.


We go to the laundry mat and pay for people’s laundry as we get to know our neighbors.


Homeless Shelter

Each year we provide backpacks and school supplies for each of the children residing at the homeless shelter in Adams County.


This is such a popular outreach that we usually have enough resources to supply each child with a gift card to purchase some new clothes as well.


First Lutheran is currently looking for new volunteering opportunity. If you have any ideas please feel free to contact us!

To join us in our Volunteer endeavors please click here!

Smiling Volunteers
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